MICROBLADING is a cosmetic tattoo technique which is done by hand tool and uses semi-permanent pigment. The hair strokes are painted on eyebrows to give it a natural look. It requires touch up 6 weeks and yearly touch ups.
Microblading can be done in various cases. For example, when there are existing brows and client would like to chage the shape, or brows are too light and they do not stand out or in some cases when radiation or chemo tratments all brows are gone.
COMBINATION BROW cab also be done in the same appointment. Shading gives the fuller "Meke Up" kind of a feel to the eyebrows while microblading is a soft tecnique and yelds stokes almost natural look. It depends upon of what is your goal when choosing the beteen the tecniques or the combination.
In this case client asked for to preserve her natural shape as much as it was possible. We tried to fullfil that and we filled the eyebrows more towards the ends.
EYELINER - eyelid
The appointment takes about 3 hours. The beginning of the appointment involves your consultation, filling the forms, and answering any questions you may have.
After that we will map the eyebrows on you with removable art pencil and we will go back and forth together with you until we achieve the desired result.
This is most time consuming process because we have to carefully match your face to your new eyebrows and take your preferneces into the consideration.
After all measurements are done, shape is complete, the client and I will agree on a shade of what their new brows will be.
We also numb the area which takes another 20 min
• Pregnant or Nursing
• Those prone to keloids or post-inflammatory hypopigmentation
• Diabetes (will need medical clearance)
• History of MRSA in the last 6 months
• If you have a transmittable blood disease such as HIV or Hepatitis
• Abnormal Heart Condition (will need medical clearance)
• Patient's undergoing Chemotherapy
• If you have any kind of skin condition on or near your eyebrows. This includes eczema, shingles, rashes, or anything else near eyebrows.
• Very Oily Skin
• Taking Accutane (has to be off Acutane for at least a year)
• Taking Blood Thinners such as: Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Coumadin etc.
• Allergic reaction to alcohol or numbing agents
• Those with dark pre-existing eyebrow tattoos or permanent makeup
• Those under the age of 18 years old
What to do or not to do before procedure
• No Botox or fillers 2 weeks prior to appointment
• Avoid heavy sun exposure or sunburning for 3 days prior to procedure
• No drinking coffee or any caffeine the day of procedure
• Avoid Chemical peels or laser treatments 4 weeks prior
• Limit Alcohol intake the night before appointment
• No taking Blood thinners 48 hours prior (ex: Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Coumadin, etc..)
• Avoid fish oil, and vitamin E the day before to reduce the possibility of bruising and bleeding, especially after lip tattoos.
Pigment is placed underneath the skin’s surface using a sterile “micro” blade. A microblade is a manual tool that contains a single row of very fine needles that implant the pigment into the epidermis creating very crisp and realistic hair-like strokes. After microblading is complete, you get to check out your new brows:)
Any minor adjustments can be made. I will then go over aftercare and send you home with an aftercare package. Within 4-8 weeks you will need to return for the touch up some call it perfecting session. At that appointment we will evaluate how the skin retained the pigment and touch up any areas that are needed.
For first two weeks: NO direct water, sun (heat), sweating (of any kind), Yoga, Swimming, Gym/Exertion.
For month: No tanning & Retinols/Anti-aging creams, facial peels, face scrubs for 30 days before the procedure and for 30 days after.
More detailed instructions will be given after the treatment.
The following must be avoided during all 10 days post-microblading procedure:
• Increased sweating
• Practicing sports
• Swimming
• Hot sauna, hot bath, or Jacuzzi
• Sun tanning or salon tanning for 2 weeks
• Any laser or chemical treatments or peelings, and/or any creams containing Retin-A or Glycolic Acid on the face or neck for 2 weeks
• Picking, peeling, or scratching of the micro pigmented area in order to avoid scarring of the area or removal of the pigment
• Performing tasks related to heavy household cleaning such as garage or basement cleaning where there is a lot of airborne debris
• Drinking alcohol in excess, as it may lead to slow healing of wounds
• Driving in open air vehicles such as convertibles, boats, bicycles, or motorcycles
• Touching of the eyebrow area except for when rinsing and applying the post-care cream with a cotton swab
Once completely healed, after 2 weeks, always apply a layer of sunscreen SPF 30 up to SPF 50 on your eyebrows when exposed to the sun. Sun exposure might cause the color pigment to fade away quicker.
Prices for
Microblading 3 hour appoitment --------------------------------------
Shading with microblade -----------------------------------------------
Combination Brow
appointment ----------------------------------------------------------------
Perfecting Session also called touch-up after initial
- This appointment must be done during
or after 6-12 weeks after initial
treatment ---------------------------------
Consultation -------------------------------------
- the fee will be waived if you will come back for
initial treatment
TOUCH-UP SERVICES (as needed):
3-4 Month Touch-up ------------------------------------------------------
-This kind of a touch up is for problematic
skin that does not retain pigment well
5-12 Month Touch-up ----------------------------------------------------
12 Months and Over - full price ----------------------------------------
Prices for
Lash Enhancement with microblade 2/3 hour
session -------------------------------------------------------------
Perfecting Session/touch-up after initial
appointment --------------------------------------------------------
- This appointment must be done 6-8 weeks
after initial treatment
Consultation is free IF WE DO NOT HAVE
TO DRAFT EYELINER. The fee will be
waived if you will come back for initial
treatment ---------------------------------------
TOUCH-UP SERVICES (as needed):
Yarly touch ups (18-24 months) -----------------------------------
Additional sessions (before 12 months)--------------------------
After 18 months -------------------------------------------------------
$50 is needed at the time you are making the appointment. This money will be deducted towards your total payment. If you cancel your appointment in less than 48 hours, $50 deposit will be lost.
Late arrivals may result in shortened treatment time, if doctort has clients booked after your treatment and late fee of $50 will be charged.
No-Cell Phone Zone Cell phones can be dangerous distractions for your own safety and it is also very destructive for a medical professional.
Children While we appreciate the difficulties many of our clients face in lining up child care, children are not allowed in the clinic. This policy is both for your child’s safety as well as the health and safety of our clinic clients and personel.
If you have had tattoo done previously, a consultation is required before booking.
Pregnancy There is no clinical evidence suggesting that having Botox or is unsafe in pregnancy or while breastfeeding, but it is sensible practice not to inject a toxin in pregnant women just in case something happens to the baby.
MICROBLADING is a cosmetic tattoo technique which is done by hand tool and uses semi-permanent pigment. The hair strokes are painted on eyebrows to give it a natural look. It requires touch up 6 weeks and yearly touch ups.
Microblading can be done in various cases. For example, when there are existing brows and client would like to chage the shape, or brows are too light and they do not stand out or in some cases when radiation or chemo tratments all brows are gone.
COMBINATION BROW cab also be done in the same appointment. Shading gives the fuller "Meke Up" kind of a feel to the eyebrows while microblading is a soft tecnique and yelds stokes almost natural look. It depends upon of what is your goal when choosing the beteen the tecniques or the combination.
In this case client asked for to preserve her natural shape as much as it was possible. We tried to fullfil that and we filled the eyebrows more towards the ends.
EYELINER - eyelid
The appointment takes about 3 hours. The beginning of the appointment involves your consultation, filling the forms, and answering any questions you may have.
After that we will map the eyebrows on you with removable art pencil and we will go back and forth together with you until we achieve the desired result.
This is most time consuming process because we have to carefully match your face to your new eyebrows and take your preferneces into the consideration.
After all measurements are done, shape is complete, the client and I will agree on a shade of what their new brows will be.
We also numb the area which takes another 20 min.
Pigment is placed underneath the skin’s surface using a sterile “micro” blade. A microblade is a manual tool that contains a single row of very fine needles that implant the pigment into the epidermis creating very crisp and realistic hair-like strokes. After microblading is complete, you get to check out your new brows:)
Any minor adjustments can be made. I will then go over aftercare and send you home with an aftercare package. Within 4-8 weeks you will need to return for the touch up some call it perfecting session. At that appointment we will evaluate how the skin retained the pigment and touch up any areas that are needed.
For first two weeks: NO direct water, sun (heat), sweating (of any kind), Yoga, Swimming, Gym/Exertion.
For month: No tanning & Retinols/Anti-aging creams, facial peels, face scrubs for 30 days before the procedure and for 30 days after.
More detailed instructions will be given after the treatment.
The following must be avoided during all 10 days post-microblading procedure:
• Increased sweating
• Practicing sports
• Swimming
• Hot sauna, hot bath, or Jacuzzi
• Sun tanning or salon tanning for 2 weeks
• Any laser or chemical treatments or peelings, and/or any creams containing Retin-A or Glycolic Acid on the face or neck for 2 weeks
• Picking, peeling, or scratching of the micro pigmented area in order to avoid scarring of the area or removal of the pigment
• Performing tasks related to heavy household cleaning such as garage or basement cleaning where there is a lot of airborne debris
• Drinking alcohol in excess, as it may lead to slow healing of wounds
• Driving in open air vehicles such as convertibles, boats, bicycles, or motorcycles
• Touching of the eyebrow area except for when rinsing and applying the post-care cream with a cotton swab
Once completely healed, after 2 weeks, always apply a layer of sunscreen SPF 30 up to SPF 50 on your eyebrows when exposed to the sun. Sun exposure might cause the color pigment to fade away quicker.
What to do or not to do before procedure
• No Botox or fillers 2 weeks prior to appointment
• Avoid heavy sun exposure or sunburning for 3 days prior to procedure
• No drinking coffee or any caffeine the day of procedure
• Avoid Chemical peels or laser treatments 4 weeks prior
• Limit Alcohol intake the night before appointment
• No taking Blood thinners 48 hours prior (ex: Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Coumadin, etc..)
• Avoid fish oil, and vitamin E the day before to reduce the possibility of bruising and bleeding, especially after lip tattoos.
• Pregnant or Nursing
• Those prone to keloids or post-inflammatory hypopigmentation
• Diabetes (will need medical clearance)
• History of MRSA in the last 6 months
• If you have a transmittable blood disease such as HIV or Hepatitis
• Abnormal Heart Condition (will need medical clearance)
• Patient's undergoing Chemotherapy
• If you have any kind of skin condition on or near your eyebrows. This includes eczema, shingles, rashes, or anything else near eyebrows.
• Very Oily Skin
• Taking Accutane (has to be off Acutane for at least a year)
• Taking Blood Thinners such as: Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Coumadin etc.
• Allergic reaction to alcohol or numbing agents
• Those with dark pre-existing eyebrow tattoos or permanent makeup
• Those under the age of 18 years old
Prices for
Microblading 3 hour appoitment --------------
Shading with microblade -----------------------
Combination Brow
appointment ---------------------------------------
Perfecting Session also called touch-up after initial
- This appointment must be done during
or after 6-12 weeks after initial
treatment ---------------------------------
Consultation -------------------------------------
- the fee will be waived if you will come back for
initial treatment
TOUCH-UP SERVICES (as needed):
3-4 Month Touch-up ------------------------------
-This kind of a touch up is for problematic
skin that does not retain pigment well
5-12 Month Touch-up ----------------------------
12 Months and Over - full price ----------------
Prices for
Lash Enhancement with microblade 2 hour
session ----------------------------------------
Perfecting Session/touch-up after initial
appointment ----------------------------------
- This appointment must be done 6-8 weeks
after initial treatment
Consultation is free IF WE DO NOT HAVE
TO DRAFT EYELINER. The fee will be
waived if you will come back for initial
treatment ---------------------------------------
TOUCH-UP SERVICES (as needed):
Yarly touch ups (18-24 months) ------------ $250
Additional sessions (before 12 months)--- $450
After 18 months -------------------------------- $600
$50 is needed at the time you are making the appointment. This money will be deducted towards your total payment. If you cancel your appointment in less than 48 hours, $50 deposit will be lost.
Late arrivals may result in shortened treatment time, if doctort has clients booked after your treatment and late fee of $50 will be charged.
No-Cell Phone Zone Cell phones can be dangerous distractions for your own safety and it is also very destructive for a medical professional.
Children While we appreciate the difficulties many of our clients face in lining up child care, children are not allowed in the clinic. This policy is both for your child’s safety as well as the health and safety of our clinic clients and personel.
If you have had tattoo done previously, a consultation is required before booking.
Pregnancy There is no clinical evidence suggesting that having Botox or is unsafe in pregnancy or while breastfeeding, but it is sensible practice not to inject a toxin in pregnant women just in case something happens to the baby.
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