We offer Local Anesthesia treatments which means our qualified doctors will inject the area to be treated. The prrocedure ensures that client feels no pain whatsoever.
Prices for Anesthesia Treatment prices
30 minutes
60 minutes
Schedule for treatments
How it works
Every other Saturday, we will have a medical doctor in the office. The doctor will administer local anesthetic. We will update our schedule as needed, due to the availability of the doctor.
- Please, check your text messages to ind out sales for anestesia treatments
-If anybody would like to have anesthesia during the weekdays, please, text me.
Please, text me directly at 248 505 0064 regarding cancellation or re-scheduling. Please, do not respond to the 3rd party texts, I am not always able to open them. If I do not get direct messages on time late fees will be charded.
50 deposit is required at the time you are making the appointment. This money will be deducted towards your total payment. If you cancel your appointment in less than 48 hours, you will lose it.
Late arrivals may result in shortened treatment time, if doctort has clients booked after your treatment and late fee of $50 will be charged.
No-Cell Phone Zone Cell phones can be dangerous distractions for your own safety and it is also very distracting for a medical professional.
Children While we appreciate the difficulties many of our clients face in lining up child care, children are not allowed in the clinic. This policy is both for your child’s safety as well as the health and safety of our clinic clients and personel.
We offer Local Anesthesia treatments which means our qualified doctors will inject the area to be treated. The prrocedure ensures that client feels no pain whatsoever.
Schedule for treatments
How it works
Every other Saturday, we will have a medical doctor in the office. The doctor will administer local anesthetic. We will update our schedule as needed, due to the availability of the doctor.
- Please, check your text messages to ind out sales for anestesia treatments
- If anybody would like to have anesthesia during the weekdays, please, text me.
Prices for Anesthesia Treatment prices
30 minutes -----------------------------------------
60 minutes -----------------------------------------
Please, text me directly at 248 505 0064 regarding cancellation or re-scheduling. Please, do not respond to the 3rd party texts, I am not always able to open them. If I do not get direct messages on time late fees will be charded.
50 deposit is required at the time you are making the appointment. This money will be deducted towards your total payment. If you cancel your appointment in less than 48 hours, you will lose it.
Late arrivals may result in shortened treatment time, if doctort has clients booked after your treatment and late fee of $50 will be charged.
No-Cell Phone Zone Cell phones can be dangerous distractions for your own safety and it is also very distracting for a medical professional.
Children While we appreciate the difficulties many of our clients face in lining up child care, children are not allowed in the clinic. This policy is both for your child’s safety as well as the health and safety of our clinic clients and personel.
Anesthesia is done by Dr. Feldman
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